Olim Fund of the Galilee
April 2004 Report

April 2004

Shalom Dear Ones,

Once again we rejoice in your generosity towards our new immigrant families are struggling to survive here in the Land of our inheritance.

This month, we were able to meet some urgent needs of eighteen families scattered throughout Israel.  Several of these have been entered into our emergency dental assistance program where we are cooperating with very low cost clinics in Haifaand Tiberias. One of the most touching of these outreaches is a two year old child who has some apparently serious dental anomaly causing severe pain as her teeth crumble. This is being handled on an emergency basis.

I was also particularly touched this month by a recent widow whose front door has rotted away, leaving her modest apartment open to any thief who might choose to enter. While living in constant terror of such an event, she has been praying for a miracle to fund a new door. You provided that miracle.

Donna and I will be in the States from May 18 to July 4 where I will be making several Jewish Roots teaching engagements in various locations. Please pray for the acceptance and sale of my new DVD Faith Seminary Course “The Jewish Origins of Christianity,” which will be introduced by Sid Roth in early June. We are all praying that this teaching might provide a substantial endowment for the Olim Fund as it gets the word out from Zion.

During our absence, other members of the Board will carry on with the Fund’s activities.

Again, many thanks and many blessings to you all as you reach out with such consistent love and generosity to my people Israel.

In the love of Yeshua,

Bob Fischer



Family Size
Monthly Income
Overview of Situation Funded




This family is relocating from a kibbutz near Beersheva to Netanya where the head of the family has found employment. This gift is to help them meet the expenses of moving. They have no other means of support.






This pensioner is supporting her daughter and grand daughter on a marginal government stipend. She has serious dental and medical needs that she cannot afford to fund. This gift is to cover her immediate medical  expenses and to initiate her dental treatment.






The head of the family who is self employed fell seriously ill and required hospitalization. Since he is not entitled to government unemployment payments, the family had fallen into a serious financial situation and is hard pressed to meet  their basic survival needs.






Head of family has been unemployed for a long period and receives marginal government benefits. The funeral expenses of a family member has drained their limited financial resources and they are now unable to pay the three months up front rent on their apartment. This gift will see them through this difficult situation.




Nazareth Illit


Aged widow living alone on marginal government pension is unable to meet basic survival needs due to some unexpected medical expenses. Her immediate requirement is to pay for long overdue utilities that are under imminent threat of being shut off.








Nazareth Illit



Divorced woman, a  pensioner living alone has been unable to meet basic living expenses and has fallen into considerable debt.

This is gift to help her get her financial situation stabilized by paying some current, long overdue utility bills.




Nazareth Illit


Young woman in process of divorce recently paid for her mother-in-law’s funeral. Since her estranged husband is unemployed their situation has created a great financial shortfall. She is currently unable to pay for even some of her  basic living needs.






Young separated mother of eight year old endured a home burglary and now lives in fear that a reoccurrence could occur since her apartment is not secure. This gift is to pay for security bars on her windows






Divorced pensioner is supporting her daughter and granddaughter who share her apartment. She has developed serous medical problems and requires expensive medications that are beyond her means. Her mortgage payment is long overdue and she is threatened with foreclosure if she doesn’t resolve this soon.






Widowed pensioner supports her 55 year old mentally disturbed daughter. Recently, for reasons unknown, the daughter’s government support was terminated. Consequently, the family has fallen into an immediate short term financial crisis while the matter is being investigated.






Head of the family has become physically handicapped and cannot work. This is a gift to cover the period of lost income while his paperwork for government assistance is being processed.






College student with no family or other support in the land has struggled to work her way through college. She has now finished all requirements but her degree is being withheld until she makes a final payment to the University. Employment awaits her, but not until she officially graduates. This is the first of three monthly gifts to resolve this situation.






Young couple with two-year old is struggling to survive. He is working part time and she is pregnant with their second child. Their  two-year old has some apparently serious dental anomaly and is in extreme pain. This gift is to pay for immediate dental evaluation and treatment and to pay for some immediate living expenses.






Widowed pensioner whose husband died recently is living alone in a small, sea side apartment. Dry rot has set in to her wooden front door which can’t be repaired. She has been praying for a miracle to replace this door. You generous donors to our fund have provided this miracle.






Karmiel, Haifa, Tiberias



Note: We have entered four additional persons into our dental assistance program for their initial evaluation but have not will not allocate funds until their specific needs are determined.


To be determined





Total monthly distributions

Carried over for between the months  emergency needs


Total monthly donations









Click on the button below to give a donation through PayPal to the Olim Fund of the Galilee.

Copyright 2002 by Raymond Robert Fischer