Shalom Dear Ones,
I have just returned from the post office where, thanks to your
faithful support and concern, I was able to mail twelve checks
to our most needy olim families. Our monthly distributions represented
in these checks total $6,806 and you can be assured that through
this outreach you have blessed Israel and these new citizens greatly.
On behalf of the Board of Directors and of course, these families,
it is my joy to extend to you my heartfelt thanks.
Every month we normally recieve thankyou letters from some of
our recipients, and owing to my own lack of technical skills I
have not been sharing these with you in the past. Thus, if you
will bear with me, attached is one such letter albeit upside down
and 100% zoomed, by making a couple of adjustments at your end,
you should be able to read it with little trouble. In this case,
we provided 3,500 Shekels against a requirement of 15,000 but
we are assured that this will at least get Faina started on the
way to recovery from her grave situation. You made this possible
and it is You whom Faina is thanking with her sweet letter.
I am pleased to anounce that Ruth Nessim from Naharia has joined
our Board and attended her first meeting with us last evening.
Ruth and her husband, Albert, are very long term olim from the
United Kingdom and they are lovely, deeply ministry involved Jewish
Please find our monthly report attached.
Again, our deepest thanks for your continued faithfulness in supporting
the critically needed outreach.
In the love of Yeshua,
Bob Fischer.
Family Size
of Situation Funded
Kibbutz Natsuba
This divorced mother of a teenager is permanently
confined to a wheel chair due to an unsuccessful hip replacement
surgery. She has been supplementing her very low government
support by taking in laundry, however very old battery powered
“go cart” has now completely quit and must be replaced.
A new unit costs approximately $4,000. She is looking for
a used unit in the $2,500 price range. This gift is to help
her in this effort.
This family has two children with very
serious learning disabilities. The youngest of these is
undergoing expensive evaluation testing to determine how
best to proceed. The government does no help to offset this
expense, hence the family has taken on a huge obligation
that is well beyond their means to fund. Additionally, they
are in great need of dental care which, in the case of the
husband, is reaching a crisis status.
This elderly couple who survive on a very
low government pension were, after a wait of many years,
allocated a low cost government provided apartment. However,
their current lease does not expire for four months and
their landlord insists that they complete their contract
with him. Thus, they must immediately move into the new
apartment or lose it and find themselves paying for two
apartments. This
gift is to help them deal with this short term burden.
This large family has been living in a
very sub-standard crowded tenement and has found a replacement
apartment that is within their financial means. However,
they need help with moving expenses to make this badly needed
This recently 45 year old mother with four
teenage children living at home has fallen behind in rent
payments and is threatened with eviction. Government support
for her rent payment has not yet started and will likely
not begin for another two months. The children also need
school supplies and tuition support.
This single man has been living with and
supporting his eighty one year old mother who is not eligible
for government assistance (His father was Jewish). He recently
lost his job and government support will not begin for at
least another two months. In the interim, as he desperately
seeks another job, they have absolutely no means of support.
The head of this family lost his job and
has not yet begun to receive government help. His wife works
part time, but even so, they are hard pressed to meet the
needs of their large family and have fallen behind in their
rent and utility payments.
This 34 year old mother of three young
children was recently abandoned by her common law husband
who refuses to provide any level of support for his family.
She is suing him but the highly tenuous, likely to fail
court case will not be heard until December. In the mean
time, she and the children have no way beyond a very small
government payment, to meet even their basic survival needs.
This 39 year old epileptic was recently
hit by a car resulting in an exacerbation of her epilepsy.
She is also suffering from several other medical problems
and is constantly in pain. Given her very low government
stipend, she is unable to pay for her many required medicines
and has fallen behind in her rent and other obligations.
This pensioner couple is beset by serious
problems. He is a total invalid who will soon require open
heart surgery and who is now in need of medications beyond
their ability to provide for themselves. Consequently, she,
at age 69, is seeking any kind of employment to help offset
these rising additional costs.
This recently divorced mother of a teenager
suddenly discovered that the city tax on their apartment
has not been paid for two years resulting in a huge financial
problem well beyond her means to resolve as she attempts
to restructure her new life as the head of the family.
This 79 year old widow lives alone and
has recently been falling down. In the process she has broken
both arms and is totally incapacitated. Much of her meager
government stipend is going to pay for non-government supported
medical treatment.
Total monthly distributions
Copyright 2003 by Raymond Robert